Children’s Ministries
We would love to see you at one of gatherings or events!
Sunday Mornings at 10am
Wednesday Nights at 6pm
Email: for more information!
Welcome to Hillcrest Kidz!
Sunday Morning Kids Church
Kids, K-5th Grade are invited to the Kidz Room for Kidz Church! We have a program designed just for the smallest members of Hillcrest to be able to enjoy interactive lessons, games, crafts, music, snacks, and so much more! This month we will be hearing about some awesome things that Jesus did in the Bible and learning how He can also do awesome things in our lives as well!
Kids Fall Midweek Wednesday Nights 6-7:30pm
For all kids K-5. Weekly times for music, stories, crafts, snacks, games, and so much more! Kids will learn about the parables of Jesus, what they mean, as well as how they can apply them to their lives.
Follow us on Facebook.
Questions? Email Director of Children's Ministries, Lindsay Allen.